Dalyan Diary

Dalyan Diary
Value for money in Dalyan restaurants compared to Venice
Quartet of Japanese tourists ordered steak, grilled fish and water and were charged €1,100 in restaurant in a recent example of the crazy prices that
21 November 2021

Dalyan Diary
Jet2 ramps up flights to Turkey for summer 2018
Jet2.com and Jet2holidays have announced major expansion to their Turkey programme for summer 2018 to keep up with demand. The airline and its sister tour
21 November 2021

Dalyan Diary
Green Spaces: Dalyan, Turkey | The Times
Reproduced from an article by Annie Gatti Sunday TimesPublished at 9:39PM, December 2 2008 Category winner: Best Open Space (Europe)Iztuzu beach in Dalyan is that
21 November 2021