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Established 2009


Value for money in Dalyan restaurants compared to Venice


Quartet of Japanese tourists ordered steak, grilled fish and water and were charged €1,100 in restaurant in a recent example of the crazy prices that can be charged in Europe for holiday meals.

anither example is a friend who paid €37 for a beer in Venice and was shocked when he querried the price only to be told that the beer was twelve euros and the table was €25 just to sit at!!!!!

In Dalyan you can eat for your whole holiday for a family of four for less than these poor Japanese tourists paid for a single meal and the water in the rivers,p

lakes and sea is pure and clean, just like the food which is organic, fresh and fantastic for vegetarians.

The only advice Dalyanvillas give is to question how much the fish dishes are as it’s often sold by weight and can be expensive especially fish cooked in salt.

if you like chicken then all chicken dishes are very cheap especially if you like bbq at your villa where chicken great bought at the butchers are fresh, huge (1 is easily enough to feed two ) and remember to ask them to trim off any small white bits and to halve and flatten ready for the bbq. If you add some fresh onions, peppers and tomatoes bought fresh from the local  market or greengrocer then you have a meal fit for a king.

Dalyan is simply a delight to eat in or out, and as the Main Street is pedestrianised on an evening it’s totaliy safe for children and adults alike.

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